I am having an issue with a Mailbox Database. The content index shows FailedAndSuspended. there are no Bad Copy Counts and it shows as Mounted. I have no DAG so this is a single database and followed the article here: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee633475(v=exchg.150).aspx
After it crawled for a little while it went to Failed, then unknown, then crawling, and has finally ended up at FailedAndSuspended again. I am also popping errors as follows:
MSExchangeFastSearch Event ID 1004
MSExchangeIS Event ID 1012
MSExchange ADAccess Event ID 4020
MSExchangeRepl Event ID 4087 (Though this is weird as it is a stand alone database why would it try to replicate it?)
MSExchange Common Event ID 4999
The following Warnings are hitting at the same time:
MSExchangeFastSearch Event ID 1006, 1009, 1010
MSExchange Mid-Tier Storage Event ID 6002, 10010
Anyone have any thoughts on a fix for this?
Michael R. Mastro II