Just installed Exchange 2013 in a test lab (2 VMs - one DC, one Exchange server) and created a test mailbox linked to an AD account. When I go to this user's properties in the exchange management web page, I click Disable on the OWA part under Mailbox Features, click Save. Yet the user can still log in to OWA absolutely fine...
I have rebooted the server and gone back in to the exchange admin centre and verified this user still shows "Outlook Web App: Disabled" but again they can still log in to OWA without a problem. What gives?
PS my experience with Exchange 2013 so far has been terrible... it was pain to actually get it installed, and so far the only things I've tried to do (send internal emails, and disable a user's OWA access) don't work at all, even in this extremely simple clean test environment.
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