I was Moving 30 Mailboxes from DB01 to DB10 in Exchange 2013 But when i checked the MoveRequestStatistics i get the results below on those 3 mailboxes.however the 27 mailboxes move status is complete;
Get-MoveRequestStatistics -MoveRequestQueue "DB10"
StatusDetail TotalMailboxSize TotalArchiveSize PercentComplete
------------ ---------------- ---------------- ---------------
StalledDueToReadUnknown 6.429 GB (6,903,271,42... 20
StalledDueToReadUnknown 7.707 GB (8,274,870,98... 20
StalledDueToReadUnknown 4.995 GB (5,363,055,92... 20
Please help, How can get those 3 mailboxes from that state to completethe move to 100 percent being they are stack at 20 percent
Thanks in Advance...