We have Exchange 2013 SP2 with two member DAG, working fine.
Two days before on one databasecopy it shows content index status is failed and suspended.
We tried various methods to resolve i.e,
1. Remove from database DAG copy completely and added again, issue prevails
2. Stop both search service and remove from database DAG copy completely, restart server and added again.
now, content index is showing disabled, passive copy shows healthy.
Now we are trying to resolve the content index status is disabled issue,
We tried,
Stop both search services and run command
Get-MailboxDatabase DB04 | Select Name, IndexEnabled
Set-MailboxDatabase DB04 -IndexEnabled $True
start search services, issue prevails still. One thing i noticed that
when i run the command "Get-MailboxDatabase DB04 | Select Name, IndexEnabled", it shows IndexEnabled is True
but when i run "Set-MailboxDatabase DB04 -IndexEnabled $True", it shows content index state is Disabled
Highly appreciated for any early response.