Hey, everyone!
I could use some Exchange help before I start to pull my hair out, and I’m not ready to go bald.
I’ve done this before, but for some reason, now we’re getting an error.
When someone on staff leaves I grant Full Access rights to their mailbox for whomever is going to look over their mailbox and forward out any important information to keep. I do that with the following PowerShell command:
Get-Mailbox -Identity val.bonacci@ccchapel.com | Add-MailboxPermission -user eric.rovtar -AccessRights FullAccess
Now, Eric Rovtar can login to OWA and open Val Bonacci’s mailbox. That works fine.
The problem occurs when Eric goes to forward and email to himself. OWA says “You don’t have the permissions required to send messages from this mailbox.”
I’ve tried updating the Send As permission:
Add-ADPermission -Identity “Val Bonacci” -User eric.rovtar -AccessRights ExtendedRight -ExtendedRights “send as”
That doesn’t fix the problem.
Am I missing something? I know this worked before and all it took was that initial PowerShell command.
Does anyone have any ideas I could try?