Hi all,
Just looking for some input, we acquired a company 3 months ago.. Let's say TESTME.com and let's say our company name is PRODME.com. We (PRODME.com) is running a in house Exchange 2007 server with SP3 with rollup 15 installed and the company we acquired is on the cloud... intermedia is hosting their mail server. They only have 30 employees and 32 mailboxes. We would like to merge them into our network and have @prodme.com email addresses. In our PRODME.com environment we don't have Outlook anywhere working because of firewall issues and owa doesn't work outside our network. For example all phones need to use this server name "prodme.com:8443". I just started 3 weeks ago and trust me I know it sounds like a mess lol. What are some option for us get them over to our mail server and not impact their mail flow.
March 2015 we plan on moving to office 365 as well (PRODME.cOM). So should I do the following?
and import all pst of employeesConfigure client side
or should we setup an email namespace sharing?o
This is assuming we have a vpn tunnel setup. Any feedback would be appreciated!