We have 2 CAS server and 2 MailBox servers in DAG, the problem began when I add a new user, the user is created in the ECP and appear there very well, but if I try to send a mail, returns an email: Remote Server returned '550 5.1.1 RESOLVER.ADR.RecipNotFound; not found', if I try to open an OWA sesion it ask me the languaje and the local hour, but after that it returns: X-OWA-Error: Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.MailboxUnavailableException
This problem is for all the new users, the previous users does not have problems.
In the Event Viewer in Exchange Management, only appear the EventID1:
Cmdlet suceeded. Cmdlet New-Mailbox, parameters -ResetPasswordOnNextLogon "False" -LastName "Test 3" -UserPrincipalName "hse3@domain.com.mx" -Alias "hse3" -Password "System.Security.SecureString" -DisplayName "Hector Test 3" -Database "2013-USR01" -FirstName "Hector" -Name "Hector Test 3".
Even I ran a "New-MailboxRepairRequest", but it shows that the user has not logged on to mailbox...
Any idea or somewhere to dig?
If I open that user in the ECP, in MailBox characteristics send a Warning: "Can not open the mailbox /o=CPTMMEXEXC/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=EXCH-IL03/cn=Microsoft System Attendant"
Need help, we're growing and I can not give to the users their new mailbox
Doc MX