I have small envinronment with SBS 2011 and Exchange 2010. SBS (where Exchange is installed) is also a DC. DC hosts all operations masters. Recently I installed second domain controller for fault tollerance. I had interesting problem when second DC went down
for a while, owa users are unable to connect. They received following error: The Microsoft Exchange Active Directory Topology service on server localhost did not return any suitable domain controllers. I also see lot of Process <some exe> (PID=3820).
All Domain Controller Servers in use are not responding: <list of domain controllers> in event log. All AD services are running, I also checked if SRV record is present in DNS. Do you have any idea what causing this problem? Both servers host global
catalog, so it is strange when I got this error in owa:
Exception type: Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.ADTransientException
Exception message: Could not find any available Global Catalog in forest <ourdomain.local>
repadmin \syncall runs withot errors.
Any ideas how to fix it?