I've introduced Exchange 2013 into an existing 2010 environment for testing and eventual migration. I've configured a DAG with 2 CAS members in one AD site, and 1 in another. All of our CAS servers also function as our mailbox servers.
Everything seemed to be working fine until I began testing certain parts of the DAG failover, which I assumed was mostly automatic based on server availability.
Scenario 1:
I have all of my test mailboxes on CAS-A in Site1, which also houses CAS-B. I've verified that CAS-A is the "PrimaryActiveManager" according to Exchange 2013, but when I shut down CAS-B to simulate a server outage, Outlook & OWA are unable to
connect as they continually try to route users to CAS-B for some reason (even though their mailboxes are verified to be on CAS-A). For this scenario, I've also tested putting CAS-B into maintenance mode, but even then OWA redirects to the CAS-B address internally.
I can still get to the mailbox via OWA using the FQDN of CAS-A in the URL.
Scenario 2:
When I activate the mailbox database with user mailboxes on CAS-C in Site2 (where CAS-A in Site1 is their primary home), Outlook reconnects to the new CAS server automatically, but OWA fails to redirect with the error: "A server configuration change is
temporarily preventing access to your account." If I re-activate the mailbox database on CAS-A in Site1, OWA allows me to login as one of the test users again.
Did I miss an important part of DAG configuration here?