Migrating over to Exchange 2013 from 2010. The 2013 box is in a different AD site to the 2010 box. We are using Web Application Proxy (WAP) with ADFS to publish OWA using non-claims aware relaying party trust (currently working for 2010 OWA). The WAP and ADFS servers are in the 2010 AD site.
ActiveSync, and Autodiscover are working both internally and externally. OWA and OA work fine internally. 2013 users OWA and OA work fine externally. When a 2010 user logs into OWA externally we get an 'Error has occurred' message page from the ADFS server.
I've removed the ExternalUrl from the 2010 OWA and ECP virtual directory. Authentication is set (same as 2013) to Integrated Windows.
In the IIS logs on the 2013 box I can see the OWA requests are being received:
2015-04-08 11:16:16 GET /owa &CorrelationID=<empty>;&ClientId=FBAQHKEADPZQUZQ&cafeReqId=04aaa656-f930-449b-9055-01e750a3b8a9; 4432010User@domain.local Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.3;+WOW64;+Trident/7.0;+rv:11.0)+like+Gecko https://fs.domain.com/adfs/ls?version=1.0&action=signin&realm=urn%3AAppProxy%3Acom&appRealm=33862507-17b3-e411-80da-005056bb775c&returnUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fwebmail.domain.com%2Fowa&client-request-id=26AA0452-7194-0002-BC78-AA269471D001 302 0 0 62
Yet on the 2010 IIS logs I can't see any entries. My understanding is that 2013 will just proxy OWA requests through to 2010 without any further configuration. I've set virtual directory authentication etc as per the Exchange deployment assistance guidance.
There isn't much out there about coexistence with WAP and ADFS. Any help appreciated.
David Robertson