I currently have a user that has 8,583 folders in Outlook. I was attempting to do a mailbox move for the user and the move reached 95% and was working to complete the move and then it rolled back to 0%.
I ran the following command to verify any corruption:
New-MailboxRepairRequest -Mailbox user@domain.com -CorruptionType ProvisionedFolder,SearchFolder,AggregateCounts,Folderview -DetectOnly
The results returned as: Online integrity check for request a547a36a-a2d0-4d55-881c-06a8a201470c completed successfully.
So no corruption was found.
I also ran the following command for the move: New-MoveRequest -Identity User@domain.com -TargetDatabase DataBasexx -BadItemLimit 1000 -AcceptLargeDataLoss
Even with the bad item limit set to 1000 and no corruption found the move request did not complete.
A few questions with this,
1. Has anyone ever moved a mailbox with 8,000 plus folders and had it happen with success? How did you handle the move?
2. Any suggestions for making this move successfully?
3. Has anyone had a move request hit 95% and then go back to 0%? Why did it happen, how was it resolve?