Is there a way to block partial email addresses?
We are plagued with one spammer where everything before the @ sign is a constant and the domain name is just different everytime. I'd like to add a rul to permantly delete 'ViagrCiali@'. I looked into Sender Filtering but every example I've seen so far uses the entire email address with domain. This is pointless having a list of a thousand email addresses and a rule like: ViagrCiali* or ViagrCiali@* would be perfect.
At the moment, these messages are being sent to Junk automatically but when users complain to the boss who demands I do something about it I need to look into it. Of course, Open Proxies are used the majority of the time and I can see that by viewing the message in Spamcop.net.
Exchange is plugged into Spamhaus and Spamcop and is getting caught but now I need to take it one step further to make sure it's deleted rather than in the Junk folder.
Your help and advice would be most helpful! Thanks
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