Hi All,
We're currently experiencing an issue in Exchange 2013 running on Windows Server 2012 R2. We've set up a Resource Mailbox for one of our Conference Rooms, and tested to see if conflicting appointments would be blocked by default but this wasn't the case. I saw no setting to influence this in the EAC, however I altered the AllowConflicts setting in powershell and made sure it was switched to False. I expected this would resolve my issue but this isn't the case.
When a user sends a meeting request for the room at a time when it is already booked, it advises in the mailtip area that the meeting conflicts with another in place, but the booking still auto accepts to take place at the same time. We have requests set to auto accept, and I would like to know if there's a setting to automatically decline a meeting request that conflicts with another in the calendar. I am aware I could use a delegate to be in charge of this but ideally I would like this done automatically. Would this be possible, or am I wasting time looking for a solution?
I hope someone can shed some light on this!