Hi, what are the options for deploying multiple CAS servers, same country but in separate datacenter's in separate cities?
I thought GeoDNS might do the trick, but that seems limited to continental regions, and there doesn't appear to be many providers in NZ.
The aim is to have the following:
CAS1 - Residing in DC1 in City 1 - Companies in this City, or proximity will connect to this server as their MBX server is located in this DC as well.
CAS2 - Residing in DC2 in City 2 - Companies in this City, or proximity will connect to this server as their MBX server is located in this DC as well.
If a user in City 1 goes to City2, they will still go through CAS1 as this is the default for their site because they are only there temporarily. I think I could use Netmask ordering internally (for Citrix/RDS etc) based on origin subnet but that doesn't solve the issue for external clients.
This is a multi-tennant environment. Any ideas appreciated.
David Robertson