in my environment i can send/receive mail.
When doing some checks i will end up with this error :
451 4.7.0 temporary server error. please try again later. prx4
I have tried the following without results :
Exchange 2013 SMTP error "451 4.7.0 Temporary server error. Please try again later. PRX3"
This error message seems to be caused by DNS issues in the Exchange 2013 set up. Exchange then rejects all emails like this. It is not quite clear what Microsoft means with this error code and the various PRX-numbers at the end - we've also seen PRX1, PRX3, PRX7. There is no list and no documentation on them available.
From customer feedback we found these ways to solve the problem:
- Disable all unused network cards.
- Check all DNS server entries in the configuration of your network cards (checkall network adapters) and make sure not to reference server as DNS server but to use the real IP address instead.
- If you have more than one fixed IP address in the server add an entry for each IP address in the hosts file (C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts) formatted like " SERVERNAME".
- Important: Do load the latest Exchange 2013 updates, especially CU1 if you haven't done that already.
- Please delete the receive connectors in Exchange and create one new receive connector. Use the "front end" instead of "hub transport" setting and vice versa.
What do do, to fix this issue?