Exchange 2013 cu4
I have recurring errors in my queue. the message recipient list are as follows:,,
my internal users are the recipients. Elmer is the email address of a supplier.
the sender of the message uses (a non-existing email address; not even a mailbox) that we use just to have a From: address.
i'm not sure how to start troubleshooting this so what I did is to make sure if the ip address of the sending server is listed in my receive connector that are allowed to relay. in my thinking, I should not because i'm authenticating the application before sending using a domain user account.
I have added the ip address of the sending server in my receive connector and will see if the local loop message disappears.
below are the error messages:
FromAddress :
LastError : A local loop was detected.
Recipients : {;2;0;[{LRT=};{LED=};{FQDN=};{IP=}];0;;0}
Queue : MB01\Submission