I have an OnPremis Exchange 2007 that's integrated with o365 via Exchange 2010 CAS Server. I'm in the process of migrating all the users and I would like to create a scrip to move them batch by batch.
I have created a script to work against a .csv file but it always says I have to specify the Database.
I have consulted Microsoft o365 Support, it they are clearly mentioned a Database doesn't need to be mentioned in the script, as the mailboxes automatically will be moved to any database and the backend team will do the database cleanup by themselves...
Below the script I've used.. any suggestion please?
$Users = Import-Csv -Path C:\Scripts\Migration\MigrateMCP.csv $Users | ForEach-Object {New-MoveRequest -Identity $_.UserID}
I also used this script, but same issue...
Import-Csv -Path C:\Scripts\Migration\MigrateMCP.csv | % {New-MoveRequest -Identity $_.UserID -targetdatabase -VerboseAutomatic provisioning isn't available for the "TargetDatabase" mandatory parameter. A value must be explicited provide
d for this parameter.
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (:) [], RecipientTaskException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : 8B2E2316
+ PSComputerName :ExchangeCAS2010.Domain.Com
Any help, would be greatly appreciated.