I have Exchange 2013 CU6 environment. 2 frontend servers and 2 backends running on Windows 2008 R2.
I upgraded one backend server to update CU10, other is still CU6.
Now seems, like Outlook 2010 connected Exchange without cached mode is littlebit slow, if I try to open big mails. For excample with size 2MB or more.
Also I noticed, that when I brought upgraded server out from maintenance mode, 2 components didnt start automatically:
ForwardSyncDaemon and ProvisioningRps
I started them manyally and since that they work on the upgraded server. For some reasons they are inactive state on the other server running on the CU6 although after first server ugrade they were active.
Might it be, that this is somehow related with DAG? I mean, can CU6 and CU10 coexists in the same DAG cluster?
I Noticed, that in instrutions to upgrade CU9 was suggested to use 3 commands on the Domain controller:
Setup.exe /prepareSchema /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms
Setup.exe /prepareAD /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms
Setup.exe /prepareDomain /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms
Instructions for CU10 the 3rd command (prepareDomain) was not mentioned that, so I did'nt use that.
best regards,
hoping to get some answere soon:)