Background: We were re-balancing our Exchange Databases, and performing a migration to new Databases on Exchange 2013. All of the Migrations, except for one completed fine, one completed with errors.
Issue: One Mailbox in the the Migration Batch that completed with errors is reporting the following error:
"Error:MigrationPermanentException: Error: Cannot read named property data with key = 'null'"
I found the following article that talks about this error, but with no detail:
I have tried to remove the mailbox from the Migration Batch, but get the following error:
"The user couldn't be removed from the migration batch "MBXDB7" in its current state. Please stop the batch and then try to remove the user"
I found this related article:
I have tried to stop the migration batch, but get "The Migration Batch can't be stopped in its current state.
Before moving forward, I attempted to take a backup PST file of the user's mailbox, and that export to PST failed.
I have opened the Migration Report for the user, and here is what is inside:
11/25/2015 4:18:24 PM [Wolf] '' created move request.
11/25/2015 6:35:23 PM [Wolf] The Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication service 'Wolf' (15.0.847.31 caps:03FF) is examining the request.
11/25/2015 6:36:00 PM [Wolf] Connected to target mailbox 'Primary (dc19a99c-400e-412b-999a-a9fa1f5438fd)', database 'MBXDB7', Mailbox server 'Wolf' Version 15.0 (Build 847.0).
11/25/2015 6:36:01 PM [Wolf] Connected to source mailbox 'Primary (dc19a99c-400e-412b-999a-a9fa1f5438fd)', database 'HCStaffJ-L', Mailbox server 'Wolf' Version 15.0 (Build 847.0).
11/25/2015 6:36:23 PM [Wolf] Request processing started.
11/25/2015 6:36:23 PM [Wolf] Source mailbox information:
Regular Items: 6405, 1.218 GB (1,308,010,864 bytes)
Regular Deleted Items: 1358, 68.24 MB (71,552,155 bytes)
FAI Items: 172, 1.933 MB (2,026,451 bytes)
FAI Deleted Items: 0, 0 B (0 bytes)
11/25/2015 6:36:54 PM [Wolf] Cleared sync state for request dc19a99c-400e-412b-999a-a9fa1f5438fd due to 'CleanupOrphanedMailbox'.
11/25/2015 6:37:35 PM [Wolf] Stage: CreatingFolderHierarchy. Percent complete: 10.
11/25/2015 6:38:01 PM [Wolf] Initializing folder hierarchy from mailbox 'Primary (dc19a99c-400e-412b-999a-a9fa1f5438fd)': 691 folders total.
11/25/2015 6:38:01 PM [Wolf] Folder creation progress: 0 folders created in mailbox 'Primary (dc19a99c-400e-412b-999a-a9fa1f5438fd)'.
11/25/2015 6:38:49 PM [Wolf] Fatal error CorruptNamedPropDataException has occurred.
I have tried searching on this Fatal Error, and have come up with nothing. Contemplating opening a case with Microsoft Support, but hoping for some ideas first.