(apologies in advance if this is not the right forum).
I'm trying to migrate e-mail from a remote server onto Online Exchange (using IMAP).
To do so, I'm supposed to supply the FQDN. My understanding is that the FQDN is defined as: <hostname>.<primary domain name>.
I used ipconfig to obtain the Hostname of the remote server, but <primary domain name> came back blank. Our Domain Name is xxxx.com.sg, (and to access our e-mail, we use mail.xxxx.com.sg).
I tried both <hostname>.xxxx.com.sg and <hostname>.mail.xxxx.com.sg, as the FQDN (i.e., the name of the IMAP server required in "Migration endpoint") but the migration wizard didn't recognize either as FQDNs, and gave the message: "Connection could not be completed." Instead of hostname, I also tried using the IP for the remote server, but obtained the same results.
Does anyone have any ideas here? Many thanks!