Exchange 2013 - CU 11 - small network, single domain, very simple setup. Recently I noticed that the messages being rejected by Exchange were being trapped by our smart host i believe due to a the addition of a URL pointing to Microsoft in the bounce message - specifically "For more information about this error see DSN code 5.7.1 in Exchange Online= <>. " I would really prefer not to send bounce messages with links back to MS and so i looked into creating a custom DSN to use for this and found the following issues:
1. When i ran Get-SystemMessage -Original, i received numerous (100s) of Warning messages similar to the following:
WARNING: The specified language is not supported for DSN customization.
WARNING: The object sr-Cyrl\WarningFolderHierarchyChildrenCount has been corrupted, and it's in an inconsistent state.
The following validation errors happened:
WARNING: The specified language is not supported for DSN customization.
Seems like everything is working ok, and we certainly don't need all these other languages and many of them seemed ok, but i am a little alarmed by these messages and was wondering if anyone else had this or could provide some more info about this.
2. I then ran "Get-SystemMessage -Original | where {$_.DsnCode -eq "5.7.1" -and $_.language -eq "en"} | fl" and since i still got the numerous errors shown above, i had to redirect the output to a file so i could see what was there and I noticed that the Text that is stored here for 5.7.1 is not the same as the text we are seeing in the actual bounce message. Here is the text of the two messages:
5.7.1 from Get-SystemMessage command:
"Your message wasn't delivered due to a permission or security issue. It may have been rejected by a moderator, the address may only accept email from certain senders, or another restriction may be preventing delivery."
5.7.1 from the actual bounce message:
"Your message wasn't delivered due to an e-mail rule restriction created by the recipient's organization e-mail administrator. Please contact the recipient or the recipient's e-mail administrator to remove the restriction. For more information about this error see DSN code 5.7.1 in Exchange Online= <>."
I would go ahead and make the custom rule, but i really cannot see why there are two different messages for this error. The messages are being rejected using a custom rule in Exchange and the reason we are bouncing them this way is because the employee is no longer employed here, but we still need to get the messages that were intended for that employee and at the same time notify the person that sent the message that the individual is no longer employed here. When i create the custom Exchange rule, the incoming messages to the past employee can still be reviewed in the system that acts as our smart host.
I understand that i cannot modify the preinstalled DSNs, but i also cannot see why there are two different messages for this one ndr code and when the system decides to apply one or the other. Can anyone provide any information about this and give me some help creating a custom bounce message for the what we are trying to do?