Had to completely rebuild one of our mailbox servers the other day. Used setup /m:recoverserver to install CU11.
All seems to be working except there is much less in the BIN directory than the other servers. For instance, on one of my exisitng ones there are lots of directories in V15/bin such as am, ar,bg etc. Could it be that, at some point, someone has installed all the language files on these servers (previous CU)?
Also, strangely, if I got to V15/bin/en there are only two files in this directory on my new server. On the old server, there are lots more.
Also, strangely if I try to run exchange shell on the new server I get error - extips.xml not found. Correct its not there.
Install seemed to complete ok. And it all appears to be working. Anything I can do to verifiy the exchange install?