I just migrated from Exchange 2010 to 2013. All went well, but for one small nuisance. Everyone had previously opened Outlook when the Exchange 2010 server hosted their mailboxes. Many of the users did not open Outlook after the migration before I removed the Exchange 2010 server and shut it down, so they cannot rely on the Exchange 2010 server to tell them where the new server is, and they get "The server is unavailable".
One fix I found by trial and error is here: Control Panel → Mail → Email Accounts → [Failure "The server is offline" → Work Offline → Repair. When I click Next, it finds the new server in about one second, then Finish.
But is there a way to automate this; that is, can I force the clients to look for the new server automatically upon failure? I really do not want to explain that MAPI fix to the users.
Besides that, this may pop up down the road sometime when a user logs onto a computer again after six months--and the prior logon was before the migration.
Maybe I forgot to dot an "i" or cross a "t" somewhere in the migration, but if so, this is the only symptom.-
And while I am on the question, is there any way to prevent the first-time popup after the change, "The Microsoft Exchange administrator has made a change that requires you quit and restart Outlook."?