Hi all
My Exchange 2013 CU11 environmento is not able to deliver some received emails to the mailboxes.
The tracking shows the following:
EventId: FAIL
RecipientStatus: {[{LRT=};{LED=550 5.6.0 CAT.InvalidContent.Exception: InvalidCharsetException, Character set name (UNKNOWN) is invalid or not installed.; cannot handle content of message with InternalId 32985348833358, InternetMessageId <1603050614323BAB_2924291@efactura-trx>.};{FQDN=};{IP=}]}
The only KB (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2536702) I've found is related to Exchange 2010 and the solution is a configuration of the edge (i dont use it).
Any idea about the cause and/or a possible solution?
Thanks all!