Hello - I currently have an Exchange Hybrid setup in my lab. I am using it not only to learn about an Exchange Hybrid configuration, but also Exchange in general as we are looking to move our mail to O365 in a Hybrid Configuraiton.
I am working my way though a few books. Regarding creating shared mailboxes, the book I am currently working through "Office 365 for Exchange Professionals" states the following:
"...Another effective workaround - albiet unsupported - is to first create a shared cloud mailbox in Office 365 and then use the 'soft-matching' process to connect the on-premises object and cloud-object with one another."....
# create cloud shared mailbox
New-Mailbox -Name SharedMBX -Shared -PrimarySMTPAddress SharedMBX@contoso.com
# create on prem mailbox to match shared mailbox
New-RemoteMailbox -Name SharedMBX -RemoteRoutingAddress sharedmbx@contoso.onmicrosoft.com -Password ### -UserPrincipalName "sharedmbx@contoso.com" -PrimarySMTPAddress SharedMBX@contoso.com
# once they are both created, modify the AD user to be a shared mailbox
Set-ADUser SharedMBX -Replace @{msExchRemoteReipientType=97}
The book then states:
As soon as you make the change, you can verify that the mailbox shows up as a Shared Mailbox in the on-premises environment.
However, in my on-premECP, it doesn't show under shared mailboxes. Is this by design?
Thanks in advance,