Hello dear please we need your assistance ON Exchange server 2016. currently we are in process to deploy this email system in our bank. so we get some list of license which is we don't know detail so we need some technical assistance.
currently we have windows server 2012 for active directory and 2 servers for exchange( Live and backup). we need licence for 5,000 users
List of license
Required or not
1. ExchgStdCAL 2016 SNGL OPL NL usrCAL
2. ExchgSvrstd 2016 sngl OPL NL
3. WINsVRsTD 2012r2 sngl opl nl 2PROC
4. UC Certification
5. Microsoft SfBServer 2015 Sngl OPL
6. Microsoft SfBServer Std CAL 2015 Sngl OLP DvcCAL
Fantahun T.
Manager at Development Bank of Ethiopia