If anyone has any ideas on where to start with this one I'd be most grateful.
User A sent a meeting request to user B.
User B recieved the request which said it was sent by user A on behalf of user C.
The meeting appears in the calendars of users B & C.
User A has no permissions on user C's account, and at no point in the creation & sending of the meeting request did user C's name/account come into it.
(For completeness, user C has no permissions on user A either)
Exchange 2012 recently upgraded from 2007.
Many thanks,
If anyone has any ideas on where to start with this one I'd be most grateful.
User A sent a meeting request to user B.
User B recieved the request which said it was sent by user A on behalf of user C.
The meeting appears in the calendars of users B & C.
User A has no permissions on user C's account, and at no point in the creation & sending of the meeting request did user C's name/account come into it.
(For completeness, user C has no permissions on user A either)
Exchange 2012 recently upgraded from 2007.
Many thanks,