I have 5 PF Mailboxes. One of the Public Folder mailboxes got rather big 16GB in "PF02" I found a folder that was rather large 1GB and created a move request to move it to another Public Folder mailbox "PF03". After this was completed I seen 1GB was added to the "PF03" Mailbox but I never regained 1GB on "PF02". I can delete items out of PF02 and it immediately gives this space back.
Am I missing something here? In the past I've ran the autosplit script to redistribute public folders but never gained the space back then either.
I've also lowered the DefaultPublicFolderMovedItemRetention to 1 day in the organizationconfig. I will see if tomorrow the space is reclaimed.
In the mean time am I taking crazy pills ?
I ended up doing another move and using Get-PublicFolderMailboxSize.ps1 before and after
.\Get-PublicFolderMailboxSize.ps1 pf04
720.2 MB (755,174,963 bytes)
.\Get-PublicFolderMailboxSize.ps1 pf03
13.44 GB (14,429,367,014 bytes)
.\Get-PublicFolderMailboxSize.ps1 pf04
2.303 GB (2,473,232,627 bytes)
.\Get-PublicFolderMailboxSize.ps1 pf03
11.85 GB (12,723,228,957 bytes)
It appears the size does update of the mailbox but for whatever reason the quota doesn't.
Thanks for any help.