i have more than 100 ip addresses to be added in the scope of my receive connector. i'm trying to use powershell
$ReceiveConnector = Get-ReceiveConnector "Allow Relay External Emails" Get-Content d:\list2.txt | foreach {$ReceiveConnector.RemoteIPRanges += "$_"} Set-ReceiveConnector $ReceiveConnector -RemoteIPRanges $ReceiveConnector.RemoteIPRanges
i have a text file "list2.txt" that contains the ip addresses. one ip address per line. whenever i ran the above code, i get below error message:
The operation couldn't be performed because object 'mb2.ACME.com\Allow Relay External Emails' couldn't be found on 'dc02.ACME.COM'.
i don't undertand the error. i mean, my Exchange is working fine but why that error from DC02? and how to resolve it?