we have two exchange 2013 servers in a DAG group.
one is at site #1, our main office, the other at site #2, and we have 4 other sites.
currently the exchange 2013 server at site 1 is primary, and all email flows through it.
email is replicating over the DAG network to the exchange server at site #2.
we have ipsec tunnels from all sites to site #1, and just created IPSEC tunnels from all sites to site #2.
all sites can ping the exchange server at site #2 by name.
what all do I need to do to get the exchange server at site #2 to work if I take exchange at site #1 down?
I have imported the ssl cerftificate from the exchange server at site 1, and installed it on site #2 exchange, and added mail host A address for the second exchange server.
is there anything else I need to do so that Exchange server at site #2 can handle email if exchange server at site #1 goes offline
want to take exchange server at site 1 offline this weekend, make sure mail still flows.