am getting error while installing exchange server 2016, please see below error.
The following error was generated when "$error.Clear();
if ($RoleProductPlatform -eq "amd64")
# Need to configure the ETL traces before the fast service is installed. This will ensure that when the service comes up
# it will have the necessary trace session setting available to read from the registry
$fastPerfEtlTraceFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $RoleBinPath -ChildPath "\Search\Ceres\Diagnostics\ETLTraces"
$fastDiagnosticTracingRegKeyPath = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office Server\16.0\Search\Diagnostics\Tracing'
if(-not(Test-Path -Path $fastPerfEtlTraceFolderPath))
$null = New-Item $fastPerfEtlTraceFolderPath -Type 'Directory' -Force
if (-not(Test-Path -Path $fastDiagnosticTracingRegKeyPath))
$null = New-Item -Path $fastDiagnosticTracingRegKeyPath -Force
$null = New-ItemProperty -Path $fastDiagnosticTracingRegKeyPath -Name 'TracingPath' -PropertyType 'string' -Value $fastPerfEtlTraceFolderPath -Force
$null = New-ItemProperty -Path $fastDiagnosticTracingRegKeyPath -Name 'TracingFileName' -PropertyType 'string' -Value 'DocumentProcessingTrace' -Force
$null = New-ItemProperty -Path $fastDiagnosticTracingRegKeyPath -Name 'DocumentParserSuccessLogMessage' -PropertyType 'Dword' -Value 1 -Force
$null = New-ItemProperty -Path $fastDiagnosticTracingRegKeyPath -Name 'DocumentParserLoggingNoInitialisation' -PropertyType 'Dword' -Value 1 -Force
# Max trace folder size 50 * 100 = 5GB
$null = New-ItemProperty -Path $fastDiagnosticTracingRegKeyPath -Name 'MaxTraceFileSize' -PropertyType 'Dword' -Value 50 -Force
$null = New-ItemProperty -Path $fastDiagnosticTracingRegKeyPath -Name 'MaxTraceFileCount' -PropertyType 'Dword' -Value 100 -Force
$null = New-ItemProperty -Path $fastDiagnosticTracingRegKeyPath -Name 'UseGeneralSwitch' -PropertyType 'Dword' -Value 1 -Force
$null = New-ItemProperty -Path $fastDiagnosticTracingRegKeyPath -Name 'GeneralSwitch' -PropertyType 'Dword' -Value 1 -Force
# ETl tracing is not critical. Info only log
Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Info ("An exception ocurred while trying to Configure the FAST ETL traces. Exception: " + $_.Exception.Message);
$fastInstallConfigPath = Join-Path -Path $RoleBinPath -ChildPath "Search\Ceres\Installer";
$command = Join-Path -Path $fastInstallConfigPath -ChildPath "InstallConfig.ps1";
$dataFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $RoleBinPath -ChildPath "Search\Ceres\HostController\Data";
# the BasePort value MUST be kept in sync with dev\Search\src\OperatorSchema\SearchConfig.cs
&$command -action i -baseport 3800 -dataFolder $dataFolderPath -silent;
$errorMsg = "Failure configuring SearchFoundation through installconfig.ps1 - " + $_.Exception.Message;
Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Error $errorMsg;
# Clean up the failed configuration attempt.
&$command -action u -silent;
if ([System.IO.Directory]::Exists($dataFolderPath))
[System.IO.Directory]::Delete($dataFolderPath, $true);
$deleteErrorMsg = "Failure cleaning up SearchFoundation Data folder. - " + $dataFolderPath + " - " + $_.Exception.Message;
Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Error $deleteErrorMsg;
# Set the PowerShell Snap-in's public key tokens
$PowerShellSnapinsPath = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\PowerShellSnapIns\";
$FastSnapinNames = @("EnginePSSnapin", "HostControllerPSSnapIn", "InteractionEnginePSSnapIn", "JunoPSSnapin", "SearchCorePSSnapIn");
$officePublicKey = "71E9BCE111E9429C";
$exchangePublicKey = "31bf3856ad364e35";
foreach ($fastSnapinName in $FastSnapinNames)
$fastSnapinPath = $PowerShellSnapinsPath + $fastSnapinName;
$assemblyNameProperty = Get-ItemProperty -Path $fastSnapinPath -Name "AssemblyName" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue;
if ($assemblyNameProperty -ne $null -and (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($assemblyNameProperty.AssemblyName)))
$newAssemblyName = $assemblyNameProperty.AssemblyName -ireplace ($officePublicKey, $exchangePublicKey);
Set-ItemProperty -Path $fastSnapinPath -Name "AssemblyName" -Value $newAssemblyName;
# Info only log
Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Info ("An exception ocurred while configuring Search Foundation PowerShell Snapin. Exception: " + $_.Exception.Message);
" was run: "System.Exception: Failure configuring SearchFoundation through installconfig.ps1 - Error occurred while configuring Search Foundation for Exchange.System.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting for Admin node to be up and running
at Microsoft.Ceres.Exchange.PostSetup.DeploymentManager.WaitForAdminNode(String hostControllerNetTcpWcfUrl)
at Microsoft.Ceres.Exchange.PostSetup.DeploymentManager.Install(String installDirectory, String dataDirectoryPath, Int32 basePort, String logFile, Boolean singleNode, String systemName, Boolean attachedMode)
at CallSite.Target(Closure , CallSite , Type , Object , Object , Object , Object , Object , Object , Boolean )
at Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.WriteError(Exception exception, ErrorCategory category, Object target, Boolean reThrow, String helpUrl)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.WriteError(Exception exception, ErrorCategory category, Object target)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Deployment.WriteExchangeSetupLog.InternalProcessRecord()
at Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b()
at Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed)".