Hi guys.
Exchange 2013 and the idea to move public folders to different Public Folder mailbox issue.
We are following instructions: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj906435%28v=exchg.150%29.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396
The idea was to move a public folder with its subfolders, but this ain't happening right.
We have chosen to use (Move-PublicFolderBranch.ps1 ).
The idea was to move \Mailboxes\FOLDER1\BunchOfSubfolders.
So we do not wish that public folder mailboxes is also being moved in this process, we want only FOLDER1 and its subfolders to be moved.
We have ran the command:
.\Move-PublicFolderBranch.ps1 -FolderRoot \Mailboxes\FOLDER1 -TargetPublicFolderMailbox SecondaryPublicFolder
Now the script immediately throw an output that it's going to move also MAILBOXES folder, that's not ok.
[10/29/2016 10:14:38 PM] Folders that will be moved as part of this request:
{Mailboxes, FOLDER1}
How to stop the process without doing damage with already moved processes?