I have a use-case but I'm not sure if it's possible to do so in Exchange 2010 (not 2013 or 2016).
Sometimes we hold training sessions or some event in a meeting room. The room has a calendar in Exchange 2010. During those training periods, of course we would like to prevent the room calendar from being booked by other users -- that means the room calendar will automatically reject any booking from any user during the periods. The question is: "What is thebest practice to achieve this?"
The training sessions are held by many trainers, so I can't ask everyone of them to book the room. Right now, we would ask a user, say User1, to book the room for the whole period but this workaround is not good at all. Because:
1. User1 has nothing to do with the training
2. In User1's calendar, he's not free during those periods and he cannot accept other invitations and this creates much conflict
Please help.