hello all,
I see that the script StartDAGServerMaintenance Mode only stop the HighAvailibitity. Is this right to shutdown the Server.
and what does this mean: Is this because we have only 2 Servers?
Database 'User' does not have enough copies configured to meet the validation criteria.
') (Database='DB1', Reason='There were maintenance prerequisite check failures for database 'DB1' that may be lowering its redundancy and putting the database at risk of data loss. Redundancy Count: 1. Expected Redundancy
Count: 2. Detailed error(s):
Database 'DB1' does not have enough copies configured to meet the validation criteria.
') (Database='DB2', Reason='There were maintenance prerequisite check failures for database 'DB2' that may be lowering its redundancy and putting the database at risk of data loss. Redundancy Count: 1. Expected Redundancy
Count: 2. Detailed error(s):
[PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Scripts>Get-ServerComponentState mx1 | ft component, state -autosize
Component State
--------- -----
ServerWideOffline Active
HubTransport Active
FrontendTransport Active
Monitoring Active
RecoveryActionsEnabled Active
AutoDiscoverProxy Active
ActiveSyncProxy Active
EcpProxy Active
EwsProxy Active
ImapProxy Active
OabProxy Active
OwaProxy Active
PopProxy Active
PushNotificationsProxy Active
RpsProxy Active
RwsProxy Active
RpcProxy Active
UMCallRouter Active
XropProxy Active
HttpProxyAvailabilityGroup Active
ForwardSyncDaemon Inactive
ProvisioningRps Inactive
MapiProxy Active
EdgeTransport Active
HighAvailability Inactive
SharedCache Active
MailboxDeliveryProxy Active
RoutingUpdates Active
RestProxy Active
DefaultProxy Active