I'm getting below error during cross forest mailboxes migration
Forest A to Forest B --> mailboxes migration is smooth there is no issues, but some time i have move back fromForest B to Forest A migrated mailboxes due to business requirement.
When i'm trying to move back from Forest B to Forest A, getting below error:
An Active Directory error 0x51 occurred when trying to check the suitability of server 'tech.us.com'. Error: 'Active directory response: The LDAP server is unavailable.'
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (0:Int32) [New-MoveRequest], RemoteTransientException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : 2946EE38,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.RecipientTasks.NewMoveRequest
LDAP connectivity is fine either way.
Dinesh https://ucservice.blogspot.com