Exchange 2013 cu21
i still use Search-Mailbox to search some mail items on users mailboxes. but it keeps prompting me to use New-MailboSearch as the new one. so i try to emulate what was working for me with Search-Mailbox but it doesn't seem to work with New-MailboxSearch:
Search-Mailbox -Identity BUGS -TargetMailbox MARVIN -TargetFolder “Search Results” -SearchQuery {Subject:"RE: Outlook Photos”} -LogLevel Full New-MailboxSearch -Name "mySearches" -SourceMailboxes BUGS -TargetMailbox MARVIN -SearchQuery {Subject:"RE: Outlook Photos”} -LogLevel Full
the Search-Mailbox code above returns results as expected but the New-MailboxSearch does not even though i use the same search query.