we have a Exchange 2013 Server Standard Edition. (stand alone with Domaincontroller)
We would like to divde the 500 GB EDB Exchange Databases because they are to huge and in case of Corruption the whole company is in danger. Customer didn´t cliam about speed yet.
Nearly all PCs have Outlook 2013 with Cachemodus off. iPhones are in Use
. No DAG, Cirulate Transaction Logs is off (?), I mean our Veeam Backup truncate older logs well.
Can you help me how to do it right?
Goal: divide 500 GB Database into 3 Pieces (or do you have a better Idea?)
group1 (mixed users from all 3 departments)
group2 (mixed users from all departments)
Draft Action Plan:
1. Check Backup Veeam Vmware Backup
2. Check Eventlog for Exchange Database Error
3. Keep in Mind that Search Index needs to be restored later
4. Create new empty Database via ECP Webgui
5. Sorry what else?