I know it's a bad practice and it has even been forbidden on Exchange 2003.
Anyways, a customer has Outlook 2013 installed on Exchange 2013 server. The reason is archiving some mailboxes. It was working until a latest CU was installed, CU 23, i.e. the Exchange server is at version 15.0 (Build 1497.2). The system consists of a single Exchange server.
The problem is that Outlook (installed on Exchange server) cannot authenticate, it just keeps asking for user name and password. I have tried manually to use MAPI/HTTPS connection and Outlook Anywhere connection (RPC/HTTPS). No luck. I have tried with several user names and passwords without luck. The same users connect with Outlook without problems from other computers on the network. Test-OutlookConnectivity on server works OK.
Any help would be much appreciated. Even an official statement from Microsoft that installing Outlook on Exchange server is unsupported. I was searching for it, but could not find it.
Thanks in advance, DuskoS