We have an internal application that at times needs to send messages at 100 messages a minute.
Looking at the logfiles of the receive-connector, each message takes approximately 3 seconds before it gets acknowledged.
Am fairly certain this is due to "shadow redundancy" (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd351027(v=exchg.150).aspx) ; "The major improvement to shadow redundancy in Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 is that the transport server now makes a redundant copy of any messages it receives before it acknowledges successfully receiving the message back to the sending server."
There are no signs of tar-pitting or other throttling events occurring, and the acknowledgement delay is hoovering around that 3 seconds for all submitted messages.
So far all I have found is that shadowredundancy is an all or nothing proposition using set-transportconfig, and I don't really want to turn it off.
My question: How can I create a receive connector that will allow high volume message throughput from a single source sender ?