I am working to complete the public folder migration from 2007 (ru11) to 2013 (cu2). I am to the point of running New-PublicFolderMigrationRequest. Since there are many (hundreds) of old public folders I am getting many TransientFailures because of bad aliases on the public folders. I have found a method to clean those up, but when I run any command related to Get-PublicFolder on the 2007 server I am getting the error:
Get-PublicFolder : There is no existing PublicFolder that matches the following
Identity: '\'. Please make sure that you specified the correct PublicFolder Id
entity and that you have the necessary permissions to view PublicFolder.
At line:1 char:17
In addition I cannot see the public folder tree in the 2007 EMC. I have tried installing the Exchange 2007 management tools on a Win 7 64 workstation with .Net 1.1 with no luck there. I can use PFDavAdmin to see the folder tree but I need a global method to correct the public folder aliases. There are potentially dozens (maybe over a hundred) of folders that need to be corrected.
These are the commands I am wanting use to clean up the aliases:
Get-PublicFolder | Where {$_.Alias -like "* *"} | ForEach-Object {Set-PublicFolder $_.Name -Alias:($_.Alias -Replace " ","")}
Get-PublicFolder -Identity "\" -Recurse -ResultSize Unlimited | Foreach { Set-PublicFolder -Identity $_.Identity -Name $_.Name.Trim()}
All user mailboxes have been moved to 2013, just trying to wrap up the PF migration.