We are facing a typical problem -
One of the exchange user has configured server side rules so that -
email coming from certain domain <Companay B> would move to a particular folder
Setup :
We have a single AD domain with users residing for two of our companies A and B
Company A users have email account on Exchange 2010 and Company B users on Zimbra hosted on separate server.All the users from both the companies have same UPN suffix and logon to the same domain.
We have the users of Company B created as 'mail users' under mail contacts on Exchange in order to list them on exchange address book.
When a user from company B who has his account listed under contact sends an email from his zimbra mail server account to the exchange user who has setup the rule,the rule does not apply instead the rule that gets applied is the one created for moving mails
from company A user to a folder.
But when a user not listed under the mail contacts on Exchange sends a mail from his Zimbra account the rule works perfectly.
We tried all combination with our rules and know they are working. Need to learn how exchange interprets mail coming from external SMTP address where instead of applying the defined rule, treats the mail as for internal user and applies different rule.