We have an Exchange server 2007 and an Edge server 2007 is configured in the perimeter network. Most of our clients use Public email domains such as Yahoo and Gmail. Last few weeks it has been a major issue for us that most of the emails from Yahoo/Gmail get blocked by our Edge server calming the sender IP address is in Block Lists.
As a solution I've added yahoo.com/gmail.com/aol.com/hotmail.com to "BypassedSenderDomains" hoping if emails receive from one of these domains it will bypass the connection filtering. But still some of our customers complain that their emails are still not passing to us and blocked by our edge server. They have provided me the error message they receive.
Our clients get following error message
edgexch gave this error: Recipient not authorized, your IP has been found on a block list
Your message wasn't delivered due to a permission or security issue. It may have been rejected by a moderator, the address may only accept e-mail from certain senders, or another restriction may be preventing delivery.
550 5.7.1 Recipient not authorized, your IP has been found on a block list
When I check the Agent logs in Edge server I found specific email had been blocked. Please check one of the log entry.
Timestamp : 1/30/2014 1:45:15 PM
SessionId : 08D0E865200E7CBF
IPAddress :
MessageId :
P1FromAddress : Sender Email Address (@yahoo.com)
P2FromAddresses : {}
Recipients : {Recipient Email address}
Agent : Connection Filtering Agent
Event : OnRcptCommand
Action : RejectCommand
SmtpResponse : 550 5.7.1 Recipient not authorized, your IP has been found on a block list
Reason : BlockListProvider
ReasonData : bl.spamcop.net
This troubles me because I've added Yahoo.com to "BypassedSenderDomains" on 1/28/2014 and this email was blocked on 1/30/2014. I've checked whole Agent logs from 28th to-date and found most of the messages from white-listed domains bypassed the content filtering but some were still getting blocked. Most of the messages from white-listed domains were blocked from "bl.spamcop.net " IP block list provider.
As a solution for the current situation I've disabled "bl.spamcop.net" from the "IP block List Providers". But the issue is, why the mails are getting blocked even the domains were white-listed. I though after white-listing emails domains,
messages will bypass the content filters if the email generates from one of the white-listed email domain.
I've also added the "Content Filter Config" for your reference.
[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-ContentFilterConfig
Name : ContentFilterConfig
RejectionResponse : Message rejected as spam by Content Filtering.
OutlookEmailPostmarkValidationEnabled : True
BypassedRecipients : {}
QuarantineMailbox : spam@----.com
SCLRejectThreshold : 7
SCLRejectEnabled : False
SCLDeleteThreshold : 9
SCLDeleteEnabled : False
SCLQuarantineThreshold : 5
SCLQuarantineEnabled : True
BypassedSenders : {}
BypassedSenderDomains : {yahoo.com, gmail.com, hotmail.com, aol.com}
Enabled : True
ExternalMailEnabled : True
InternalMailEnabled : False
AdminDisplayName :
ExchangeVersion : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)
DistinguishedName : CN=ContentFilterConfig,CN=Message Hygiene,CN=Transport Settings,CN=First Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,CN={4546F49-6BC5-4F7A-848F-03E4652528A6}
Identity : ContentFilterConfig
Guid : c501959c-b062-4f59-8f0c-404c53f54a34
ObjectCategory : CN=ms-Exch-Message-Hygiene-Content-Filter-Config,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,CN={4546F4196BC5-4F7A-848F-03E4652528A6}
ObjectClass : {top, msExchAgent, msExchMessageHygieneContentFilterConfig}
WhenChanged : 1/28/2014 8:48:49 PM
WhenCreated : 1/8/2012 8:42:18 PM
OriginatingServer : localhost
IsValid : True
It would be great if someone could help me to resolve this issue because this is a major problem since we lost mails from our valuable customers.
Thanks in advance.