Recently I expirienced the issue with missing messages ( http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/20745ec5-e311-4bc0-b1bd-aff3f7c82fd1/missing-messages?forum=exchangesvradmin ) and although that thread is not answered yet I would like to clarify the following:
1) Exchange Server is working properly for day1 and day2
2) Day3: Sent messages begin to disappear
Resolution: I add my Exchange Server to the hosts file (on the Exchange Server machine), restarted the server and the mailflow was restored. Mail Mail.Test.Local
Test: Right after deleting Exchange Server records from Hosts and restarting the server the mailflow gets disrupted again.
Q1: Is it a bug?
Q2: If it's a bug why my Exchange has been working fine for day1 and day2?
Thank you in advance,