I am in ECP on 2013. I'm moving from 2007 to 2013 and the first mailbox is nearly empty so it should move in seconds - it is only for testing.
I've gone to recipients
selected a mailbox
Move mailbox to another database
I create a batch file test
I move primary mailbox only
I select the target database on the new server
I select automatically start
I select automatically complete.
I get the following error
Data migrated:
Migration rate:
Error: MigrationPermanentException: Unable to process a move that deals with separate primary and archive mailboxes because server 'anth-fsexn.anthemvp.lan' (Version 8.3 (Build 298.0)) doesn't support such moves. --> Unable to process a move that deals with
separate primary and archive mailboxes because server 'anth-fsexn.anthemvp.lan' (Version 8.3 (Build 298.0)) doesn't support such moves