I have existing exchange environment and i created new AD/Exchange environment (different AD domain) but i want to move all mail (and AD) users to other forest. There won't be any forest trust so i would like to do it powershell way.
So i scripted OUs, accepted domain and imported successfully. Now comes the hard part where i have over 10 accepted domains and primary one is not primary e-mail address for each user. So i was thinking of doing it like this:
1) Export all AD users, import all those users to AD with creating new mailbox for each user.
2) Exporting all mailboxes and importing each mailbox for each user.
For 1) i found http://cscmblog.blogspot.com/2012/02/export-to-csv-all-your-exchange.html and http://enterpriseit.co/microsoft-exchange/export-list-of-all-exchange-email-addresses-and-aliases/ but now sure how to auto create same users from CSV file with (password can be same for all users) keeping all email aliases the way they were.
So for 2) i found http://www.stevieg.org/2010/07/using-the-exchange-2010-sp1-mailbox-export-features-for-mass-exports-to-pst/ but then i don't know how to import it with using automated script (i am missing which AD attribute i need to connect with user and pst file so pst goes into that users mailbox).
If you find any flaw in my plan please do tell. Thanks!