Issue: User Test1 cannot create calendar items for user Test2 and vice versa, regardless of permisions.
No amount of security permissions allow a user to create items on another user's calendar.
- We've done it the powershell way ((Get-Mailbox) | Foreach-Object {Set-MailboxFolderPermission $_":\Calendar" -User Default -AccessRights PublishingEditor}), or a more targeted"add-mailboxfolderpermission Test1:\Calendar -User Test2 AccessRights Owner"
- We've done it the Outlook way (share calendar, calendar permissions, mailbox permissions...)
- We've done it the Exchange Admin Console way (Full Access Delegation)
- We tried elevating some test accounts to domain administrator, but still calendar items can't' be created.
No clues in event logs. Outlook Anywhere on\off doesn't matter. Caching on\off doesn't matter. Outlook 2010 fully updated is their client, Exch2013 fully updated is everyone's server. Supposedly their calendar sharing worked fine on the old Exch2007 Server.
Other people who have my problem:
Spiceworks Thread here