I have a Domain controller and one server running for exchange 2010 for my test environment. I have installed the CA on DC server.
On my OWA i am getting the certificate error for HTTPS. so i thought to install the digital certificate. for that i have gone to my EMC and create a certificate request, which gave me a .req file and then on the DC server where i am running CA i went to localhost/certssvr and created my certificate. Which is a .cer file, then i copied that crossed to exchange server and came back to my EMC to finish the pending request. Once i completed the pending request the certificate disappeared from the console.
How do i do this task to configure my certificate so i ll not get HTTPS error when i access my OWA.
can some one help me out how to do this fully?
i am confused whether should i use exchange server certsvr service to create certificate?
and should add the certificate in the Trusted Root, Then Import the Created Certificate which we downloaded from the CA
Is this process call self signed certificate?