The manager of my organization's helpdesk asked me to come up with a way to display everyone's calendar permissions, and I wrote a little PowerShell script, I was just wondering if anyone knows of a way to make the output of this look better or knows of any already-built scripts/programs that will do what I'm trying to do.
$users = get-mailbox -ResultSize unlimited $_csv = @() $_csv_header = """Foldername"",""User"",""AccessRights"",""Identity""" $_csv += $_csv_header foreach ($user in $users){ $arg1 = $user.SamAccountName + ":\calendar" $rights = Get-MailboxFolderPermission $arg1 write-host "getting mailbox permissions for $arg1" $_csv += """$user""" foreach ($right in $rights){ $foldername = $right.foldername $displayname = $right.user.DisplayName $accessrights = $right.AccessRights $identity = $right.user.DisplayName $_csv += """$foldername"",""$displayname"",""$accessrights"",""$identity""" } } $_csv | out-file c:\temp\calrights.csv -Encoding ASCII