We've recently updated our Exchange 2013 with SP1. We are getting a lot of transport role issues - having to restart the service at least once a day since the update.
There are a lot of the follow events in event viewer:
Event 16028, MSExchangeTransport
A forced configuration update for Microsoft.Exchange.Transport.TransportServerConfiguration has successfully completed. Object details from the last notification-based reload: . New details:
| | | | | [ Name] | MSExchangeTransport |
| | | | | [ SystemTime] | 2014-03-04T16:15:46.000000000Z |
| | | Computer | BHPH-MHC-EXCH01.MHC.local |
| | | Microsoft.Exchange.Transport.TransportServerConfiguration |
Any ideas what this is doing or why it is happening - it's only started since the Service Pack 1 was installed.
Hope you can help.