This question is driving me crazy and I'm reading so many conflicting reports as to what the process is after migration. Here is the scenario:
We've just completed a staged migration of Exchange 2007 Server mailboxes to Office 365.We are using Azure Active Directory Connect to sync (and will continue to do so) users from local AD. Now the big question.... do we need to keep our Exchange 2007 server on premise to manage users after migration?? Some Microsoft guideline here says you can decommission the server (here and here The latter one quotes the following:
Decommission on-premises Exchange servers. After you’ve verified that all email is being routed directly to the Office 365 mailboxes, have completed the migration, and no longer need to maintain your on-premises email organization, you can uninstall Exchange.
But.... I've read loads of posts saying Microsoft do not advise decommissioning the servers after migration. It's really frustrating as I'm sure nobody wants to keep an unused Exchange server running on site just for management! I can find no documentation which details what would need to be done on premise if we want to remove or shutdown the old Exchange server.
Any help is much appreciated as I'm sure there are loads of people experiencing similar!